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PowerSoft is pleased to announce the release of our 2004 version of PowerHouse. PowerHouse generates estimated reconstruction costs, based on PowerSoft's own EvalWorks technology, which utilizes component based cost data. In 2003, PowerHouse became one of the officially accepted and approved replacement cost calculators in the Canadian Insurance Industry, being used in over 1500 brokerage, credit union and insurance company offices across Canada. We are pleased to offer three different software versions of our EvalWorks technology, each designed to cater to the unique needs of different users. Our basic replacement cost calculator, PowerHouse, is designed for insurance brokers looking for an accurate evaluator that is easy to use. It includes all the standard evaluation tools, and it quickly and accurately generates estimated replacement costs of residential dwellings. Our deluxe broker edition, PowerHouse Enterprise, has the same appearance and functionality as PowerHouse, but has a few added features to improve multi branch functionality, like branch codes, and the ability to attach scanned or digital Photos to your evaluations. PowerWorks is our Company Edition of the EvalWorks technology, and it is the only evaluator in Canada that is designed specifically to meet the needs of Insurance Companies. PowerWorks incorporates the features of PowerHouse Enterprise, with added Company specific features, like the ability to assign broker and policy numbers to evaluations. PowerWorks also has a customizable Today Page, user based options such as Renewing Evaluation, Recent Evaluations and PowerSoft SupportServices News. Depending on demand, PowerWorks could also offer commercial and agricultural evaluations in the future.

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